Tuesday, February 6, 2024



I recently have been introduced to the program "The Repair Shop." It combines two things I enjoy: tinkering and stories.  It is a British program about a place that repairs or restores items of priceless memories.  People bring their family treasures to the barn, and the artisans begin working to restore it to its glory days.  When they drop off their items, the people explain the significance to the team.  In other words, they share the story about the items and the loved ones attached to them.

People get attached to items that remind them of a past loved one.  It helps them feel connected to that person.  It could be anything from an old toy to a rare painting.  

There are various artisans in the barn: mechanical engineers, seamstresses, woodworkers, restorers of furniture, ceramics, and the list goes on.

When people come in, they explain the story and significance of their item.  When they return, their precious item is unveiled to declare its new life.  The artisans are paid by the production company, but the real pay is seeing the reactions on the faces of the item owners.  In a sense, they now share part of their story.

I don't have many items to remind me of my parents, so these stories mean something to me. 

What objects do you have that contain a story for you? We would like to hear about your story items.  Please post in the comment section below (click the pencil).

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