Saturday, April 8, 2023

He Lifted Me Up


Tonight, I saw a stage production about Jesus.  They showed Peter walking on water toward Jesus.  His mistake was taking his eyes off Jesus and focusing on the waves.  He started sinking. His mistake was taking his eyes off Jesus and focusing on the waves.  He started sinking.

I know that sinking feeling. One day Jesus called me out of my old life.  I felt like I was walking on water, and other times I let the waves of doubt, old addictions, and sin get my eyes off of Him.  Each time He lifted me up and pulled me out to a place of safety.  I couldn’t do it without Him.  Believe me, I tried a few times and it just doesn’t work.

Tomorrow is Easter Sunday.  By Jesus overcoming death and the grave, he paid the price for us to escape whatever keeps us down.  

If you don’t know Jesus Christ personally, listen to His voice to call you out of the boat of your present circumstances.  If you are willing, He will pull you out as well. If you do know Him, keep holding on!