Tuesday, March 9, 2021


 Many years ago, in the days of black and white TV, I saw a video about a brother and sister walking around a low ledge on a building. They were doing fine until they came to a break in the ledge. The boy takes one leap to the other side, but the little girl is intimidated by the gap. So the boy jumps back, lays down over the gap so his little sister can cross over by walking on him. It’s a cute video. View it below:

I think we can learn a lot from this boy’s example.


  • We need to regain the notion of self-sacrifice

    I’ve seen what happens to kids who have been given everything. When I was a youth pastor in Southern California, we had a kid in our group named “Joey.” One day he “borrowed” a limousine and took some of the kids for a joy ride. Another time, after I had a sharing time with the group, Joey came up to me and said, “After what you said, I think I should give you this,” as he handed me a knife, I’m talking the kind you get in trouble with! Every time Joey got in trouble, his Mother would cover for him. After I moved away, I heard he did something his Mother couldn’t shield him from—he ended up in prison for armed robbery! His mother sacrificed herself for the wrong reasons and did her son no favors. Joey was too self-centered to sacrifice for another.

  • There are advantages to chivalry

    I know I’m old school, but I miss the days when women were shown respect. It shouldn’t be a big sacrifice to be polite to others. Nowadays, if I open the door for a woman, I mean a gal, no I mean...well you know what I mean, in public, she might give me a stare like, “Don’t you think I can handle this myself!” Still, others show a grateful smile as they go through the door.

  • Jesus laid down his life for us.                                              He sacrificially gave (laid down) his life so He could bridge the gulf between us and God.  We just have to be willing to cross the Bridge in faith.

Who can we encourage today by being a “Human Bridge?” We shouldn’t let people walk all over us, but there are little “sacrifices” that can make someone’s day, and yours.

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