Sunday, January 31, 2021



In the hunt for things to do during this plague, people have come up with some creative ideas, including game nights, crafts, dance, vacation board (cut out articles and photos to make a collage of your dream vacation, and even a squirrel restaurant. That last one is where you make a little dining area with furniture for your yard squirrels. I’m just going to say it, that sounds squirrely but is probably fun.

Here is a great resource of ideas on USA Today for other ideas:

If you are brave enough, you can take on all the stuff you’ve accumulated over the years and toss or give it away.

If you have lived as long as I have, there is a tendency to collect things over the years. I was at a meeting in a circle during polyester days. I looked down and saw a bunch of stuff stuck to my pants via static electricity. I announced to the group, “If you have lost anything, come see me, it’s probably stuck to my pants!”

With time on our hands, this might be the opportunity to clear out that accumulated stuff and pass it along to our favorite charity. There is a potential problem if you are married. We find it easier to toss out things that belong to the other person. My friend, Donna, is a widow. One day she was cleaning out a room and came across a stack of papers clipped together. The note said, “This is stuff Donna threw out.” It was a note from her late husband.

Some of the things we hold onto seem silly; that rock you’ve been hauling with each move that Dad once threw at a tree and broke his car window instead (admit it, that brings a smile to your face). My wife has many units of those little plastic parts trays full of color swaths she used to help customers find the clothes that best enhanced their eye colors. She then made a color pallet of swathes for each client. The last time she used them was, oh, let’s see, 40 years ago! Now when someone comes into my garage and sees the number of parts drawers, they are impressed, until I show them the contents. How embarrassing.

My wife is always more than ready to toss my stuff. Of course, I can always justify all of my sacred belongings. And when that rare occasion comes that I can fix something for her because of one of those possessions, I usually say, “See, I was able to make or fix this because of that thing you wanted me to throw away.” It doesn’t bring a smile to her face so I shouldn’t suggest it, but I just have to. I think we are going to need a mediator to come in and start tossing things for us. That sounds too painful, so I guess we’ll leave all this stuff for the kids to deal with when we kick the bucket! To summarize, it’s always easier to give someone else's stuff away than your own. Remember, “You can’t take it with you.” I told that to my neighbor and he said, “Then I’m not going.” He gone now, and so should be a lot of our junk!

Let's hear from you. What are you doing to keep yourself occupied?

(c) Wally Johnston 2021

Monday, January 25, 2021


 What words, directed towards you, would you like to hear often? How often do you hear them? These are so important questions, especially during a pandemic. Words can be like a construction company or a demolition company. It’s true, words can build up or tear down.

We know that kids are greatly affected by this virus. Every time my 5-year-old granddaughter prays, she always includes, “And please help this virus stop.” To the rest of us, she has said, “This virus is kicking my butt!” 
 Children need to hear positive affirmations from the adults in their lives. Check out this chart below for some ideas:

These are awesome affirmations. I want to encourage all of us to use some of these every day, not only on our kids but the other adults in our lives.


(c) 2021 Wally Johnston

Wednesday, January 6, 2021


 We are facing a new year. Most of us are glad to see 2020 become history, maybe a dark history. We have struggled with boredom that has even brought about mental health issues. 2021 doesn’t have to be that way.

WHAT NEW THING CAN WE DO in the new year? Here are three cans:

  1. We CAN exercise our minds. There is always something new to learn. Some may consider me an “old dog” or “senior dog.” I prefer to call myself a seasoned dog. It sounds better, don’t you agree? The VCA points out: Even though young pups may be more actively curious, dogs never stop learning. In fact, adult dogs are often easier to train than their younger canine friends specifically because they aren’t as active. Older dogs aren’t as easily distracted as pups and can focus for longer periods of time. This ability to concentrate helps them learn new routines more easily. (taken from I’ve been around the block a few times, well so many times I get vertigo! I say one is never too old to learn. When you stop learning, you start to die, much like the shark has to keep moving or ends up a paperweight at the bottom of the ocean.

  2. We CAN cultivate a new perspective. The Bible (Proverbs 23:7) tells us that as a man "thinks in his heart so is he." Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (121-180 AD) concluded, "We become what we think about. If we focus on Covid and the other bad news of the day, it will put a negative spin on our thoughts. Perhaps one should stop watching or reading the news, or at least have some periods to take a break. When police officers are assigned to investigate sexual abuse cases, many times they are only allowed to work the job for a couple of years. They see so much daily that it can affect their boundaries and even cross the line. They need a break.”Whatever is good, lovely, think on those things.” (set a timer for 10 min to think and feel bad, then stop and get on with the day.)

  3. We CAN serve others. There have been several creative ideas on helping others during the pandemic. They can include:

      • Volunteering:       
        • Offer your services to Meals-On-Wheels. If you feel uncomfortable dropping off meals, you can give your time as a volunteer making meals.
        • Donate blood or volunteer withd the Red Cross to get the word out.
        • Daily Touch Program. Learn who elderly or physically challenged neighbors are and organize other neighbors to make a “daily touch’ with those neighbors. It will be good for the receivers and the callers.
      • ActivitiesOrganize a neighborhood scavenger hunt...Covid safe. Pick a shape (hearts or stars are great!) and encourage your friends and neighbors to participate by putting out items in that shape, crafting and hanging in the window, sidewalk chalking, etc. Then take a walk around the neighborhood and see how many you can spot! Just be sure to look, not touch, the items
        • Draw inspirational chalk-art on the sidewalks to encourage others.Have fun making some interesting masks. Of course, wear them!
        • Thank healthcare and public service employees for their sacrificial services. Send them cards, or even banners!
(c) Wally Johnston 2021

Image by Pixabay

(c) Wally Johnston 2021

I'll be back next week!