Monday, November 9, 2020


 There are some really strange book titles, for example...

Here are a few more: 

The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales 

How to Avoid Huge Ships

The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake

He kids, don't try this one...How to Shave Grandma

Want to see some more? Simply do a search, "unusual book titles." Be prepared for what you are going to see!

Some years ago, at a church staff retreat, the pastor said, "If you were to give your spouse a book about her, what would their title be?"  Thinking about my wife I said, Love in Extra Innings.  She has endured a lot (by the way don't ask her what's she has endured, I paid her off in advance!).

What would your friends and loved ones say would be your title?  We are all mixed bags with some good and not so good terms. What would you like your title to be?  For me, one I hope one would be, He Shared the Heart of Jesus.  That epitaph on my gravestone would be better than, "I told her I was sick!"

Go out this week and share your title.  Our world needs your book.

(c) Wally Johnston 2020

"There are two kinds of people in this world, those who like Dr. Pepper and those who don't."

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