Monday, November 23, 2020


 When I was a teenager back in Indiana, we would plan our Thanksgiving dinner around a meal of pheasant. I know, most people did turkey, but we would like to do things differently (because my family WAS different). Actually, everyone is different, it’s just that some folks are MORE different than others! I think we were in the “more different” category.

I would get up early on Thanksgiving morning and head out on the crusted snow. The night before I told my mom to have a turkey ready as a backup in case I came back cold and empty handed. I loved the early mornings back home. It’s like I was the only one on the planet and had all of nature to enjoy. I would return home and was glad my Mom always had a turkey in the oven. We ate backup every year. Turns out I liked the idea of hunting but not actually shooting something.

(Disclaimer: My family thinks I’m a scrooge). My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving, it’s NOT Christmas. Let me explain. Christmas is out-of-control. Gifts have gotten so out of control that if we didn’t have Christmas shopping, our economy would tank. That’s insane, that’s crazy. People have gotten into the habit of gift giving as the purpose of the holiday. How often have you heard, “It’s not going to be much of a Christmas this year.  We don’t have much to spend on gifts.” If American’s would be more modest in their spending, they would have an abundance to help those in need who are just trying to survive. Let’s be honest, Americans would not go into debt to give to charity but Christmas gifts, that is a different story!

Now do you know why my family thinks I’m a scrooge? Hang with me a minute before you change the channel. I invite you to TAKE A LOOK AT THIS VIDEO and then come back here for a talk.

Here is why Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday:

The only gift we give each other is the gift of togetherness.

It saves money.

Thanks to the carbs we eat, not triptifane in turkey, there is usually a healthy nap after unhealthy eating.

It gives us time to think of our blessings.

May your Thanksgiving be a blessed time for you and your family. And if you are eating pheasant, please don't tell me!

(c) 2020 Wally Johnston

"Remember, there are two kinds of people in this world, those who like Dr. Pepper and those who don't."

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