Saturday, October 17, 2020



As kids, we would enjoy creating new adventures. We had the usual forts and treehouses. We would play “Native American” and make our own wardrobe. We did some crazy things because we were young and stupid. One time the alley behind our house had small tunnels under the pavement. Sooo, we played “miner” by crawling under on our backs to the next pothole. Never mind that it could have caved in on us. I did get a little scared halfway through and told God if he would get me through this, I would NEVER do that again. You are only enjoying this wonderful story because I obviously made it.

We had a little wooded area near us we affectionately called, “Dead Man’s Creek.” It had no creek or dead men but it made for good copy. We drew up a treasure map, took an old wooden box, filled it with junk, and buried it there. Then we marked and “X” on the map for future discoverers. It didn’t take long for someone to dig it up and take the booty without a map. It took us some time to get over our financial loss.

I have started a new tradition with my granddaughter. We also look for hidden treasure. We go geocaching. In case you are not aware, geocaching is finding special hidden containers by using a GPS app that helps you find them. We haven’t landed any great treasure, but we have enjoyed going around to make a “find.” Besides, it’s more about the journey than the find.

If you want to try out geocaching, here is a link:

What about you? What crazy, fun, stupid things did you do as kids. Please reply and share with us so we all can smile :).

(c) 2020 Wally Johnston

"Remember, there are two kinds of people in this world, those who like Dr. Pepper and  those who don't."

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