Friday, October 2, 2020

Donations For Weeds


There are so many places to put our money. Needs are all around us. Often our Facebook friends are setting up a donation page for something. I’ve done it myself and you may have too.

When I was a teenager, I went to answer a knock on our door. In front of me were two young entrepreneurial girls holding a jar with some weeds in it. “Hi girls,” I said.

“Would you like to donate?” they asked.

“I’m not sure,” I replied. “Donate to what?”

They looked at each other, then back at me with a puzzled look and said, “To us.” I guess if I gave them money they would give me a weed? It would be interesting knowing what they are doing this day. Something tells me they would be running a successful business.

We usually think of donations as giving money. But there are so many more things we can give. Our time, talents, abilities, knowledge, etc. When we consider life in a pandemic, what can we give to help others?

What to give? We might consider our talents and hobbies. Keeping social distancing in mind, how can we pass on the knowledge and experience we have to benefit others?

Why give? Because we also receive so much. We can feel appreciated. We can find a purpose during this difficult phase of life.

You can’t find anything to do? Let me know. I have a job for you selling weeds door-to-door.

Remember...there are only two kinds of people in this world, those who like Dr. Pepper and those who don’t.”

(c) 2020 Wally Johnston


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