Saturday, October 31, 2020



It was my first youth retreat to lead. I thought I had packed enough supplies, but didn’t realize how much toilet paper girls use! On our way back down the mountain, we stopped at a McDonald’s. It looked like everyone for miles around was coming back from a retreat. It was extremely busy. So I got into what I thought was the fastest line only to discover it was the slowest. People in line were complaining about the girl taking the orders. It was awful what they were saying. I wasn’t happy myself but a little grace was needed. I looked at her and realized something; she wasn’t lazy or slow, she was just having a bad day. When it was my turn, she frantically looked up from the register and with a winded breath said, “How can I help you?” I looked her in the eye and said, “You know, for all the people in here I want you to know I think you are doing a great job.” Her face went from abusive worry to beautiful sunshine. With a huge smile, she said, “Thank you. What can I get you!”

Just think what our world would be like if we gave out more compliments and fewer complaints?

My compliment did something for that girl and to anyone who receives a genuine compliment:

  • It gave her energy. She looked so tired but after receiving my compliment, she perked up.

  • She received encouragement.

  • It may have restored her faith in others

  • She was probably encouraged to pay it forward

  • It brought healing to her soul

Do you want to overcome this downtime? Go out of your way to pay compliments. In doing so, you will also be the beneficiary of the list above.

Take Action...try to compliment someone next week and reply here to let us know how things went.

(c) 2020 Wally Johnston

"Remember...there are only two kinds of people in this world.  Those who like Dr. Pepper and those who don't." 

Saturday, October 24, 2020



Okay, let’s be honest. We all have those special snack foods we’ve been eating during these times. In my house I am known by many things, Snack Master is one of them. To add some balance here, I have a small appetite and my meal portions are small (except for pizza). Truth be told, that leaves room for snacks later. You just can’t watch a movie without a snack! I used to snack on my fingernails but they are gone now.

My great-grandfather used to carry a snack in his backpack. It was called “hardtack."

I would call it “survival food.” He was in the American Civil War. Sometimes the supply lines would be interrupted so they had to live off of hardtack. It was made of baked flour and salt. It was too had to bite, so they would often dunk it into coffee to soften it up and sometimes let the weevils out so they could be scraped out of the coffee. I suppose if you did drink a weevil it would add protein.

I have some of this hardtack at home but I don’t touch it. Instead, I go for cookies, ice cream, cheese crackers, Dr. Pepper, and other fine examples of healthy food.

So, what is your comfort food? Send it in a reply and we’ll come up with a list of “Comfort Survival Snacks.” Bon appetite.

"There are two kinds of people in this world, those who like Dr. Pepper and those who don't"

(c) 2020 Wally Johnston

Saturday, October 17, 2020



As kids, we would enjoy creating new adventures. We had the usual forts and treehouses. We would play “Native American” and make our own wardrobe. We did some crazy things because we were young and stupid. One time the alley behind our house had small tunnels under the pavement. Sooo, we played “miner” by crawling under on our backs to the next pothole. Never mind that it could have caved in on us. I did get a little scared halfway through and told God if he would get me through this, I would NEVER do that again. You are only enjoying this wonderful story because I obviously made it.

We had a little wooded area near us we affectionately called, “Dead Man’s Creek.” It had no creek or dead men but it made for good copy. We drew up a treasure map, took an old wooden box, filled it with junk, and buried it there. Then we marked and “X” on the map for future discoverers. It didn’t take long for someone to dig it up and take the booty without a map. It took us some time to get over our financial loss.

I have started a new tradition with my granddaughter. We also look for hidden treasure. We go geocaching. In case you are not aware, geocaching is finding special hidden containers by using a GPS app that helps you find them. We haven’t landed any great treasure, but we have enjoyed going around to make a “find.” Besides, it’s more about the journey than the find.

If you want to try out geocaching, here is a link:

What about you? What crazy, fun, stupid things did you do as kids. Please reply and share with us so we all can smile :).

(c) 2020 Wally Johnston

"Remember, there are two kinds of people in this world, those who like Dr. Pepper and  those who don't."

Friday, October 9, 2020

What Is Your Favorite Season?

We all have our favorite season. For some, it's baseball season👍.  Oh, that's a different kind of season.  Let's return to our regular program.

I love the Fall.  I grew up in the midwest, so the colors are gorgeous! We once lived in Santa Monica, CA. There wasn't much of a season change. The average temperature was 75 degrees.  During a visit, my father-in-law was by the outside thermometer. "What are you doing?" I asked.  "I'm flipping the thermometer to see if it is broken.  It doesn't move off of 75 degrees."

There have been studies about how we are affected by temperature change related to the seasons and our personalities.  It is pretty interesting.  Click here to read it.

So let's have some fun.  Go here to take a quiz to see which season best suits your personality. When completed, please send a reply as to what you found and what you think about this subject.  Was the quiz accurate?  

We are all waiting for your reply.

(C) 2020 Wally Johnston

There are two kinds of people in this world, those who like Dr. Pepper and those who don't.


Friday, October 2, 2020

Donations For Weeds


There are so many places to put our money. Needs are all around us. Often our Facebook friends are setting up a donation page for something. I’ve done it myself and you may have too.

When I was a teenager, I went to answer a knock on our door. In front of me were two young entrepreneurial girls holding a jar with some weeds in it. “Hi girls,” I said.

“Would you like to donate?” they asked.

“I’m not sure,” I replied. “Donate to what?”

They looked at each other, then back at me with a puzzled look and said, “To us.” I guess if I gave them money they would give me a weed? It would be interesting knowing what they are doing this day. Something tells me they would be running a successful business.

We usually think of donations as giving money. But there are so many more things we can give. Our time, talents, abilities, knowledge, etc. When we consider life in a pandemic, what can we give to help others?

What to give? We might consider our talents and hobbies. Keeping social distancing in mind, how can we pass on the knowledge and experience we have to benefit others?

Why give? Because we also receive so much. We can feel appreciated. We can find a purpose during this difficult phase of life.

You can’t find anything to do? Let me know. I have a job for you selling weeds door-to-door.

Remember...there are only two kinds of people in this world, those who like Dr. Pepper and those who don’t.”

(c) 2020 Wally Johnston