The American people have some wonderful characteristics, contentment is not one of them. Dis-contentment has some good qualities, like striving to improve, making something better. The downside of dis-contentment is a lack of peace, unhappiness.
How to improve contentment:
1. Live the Serenity Prayer:
God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
2. List your blessings. If you are a praying person, thank God for each one.
3. Don’t be controlled by your possessions. If you are a believer in Jesus, then you don’t own anything. You are a steward of God's possessions in your life. Rev EV Hill, the great Black preacher of the 20th century, was speaking at a wealthy church. He said, "You know, this afternoon I took a walk in the neighborhood of the church. I saw the big, beautiful homes and fancy landscapes. I saw the new cars parked in the driveway. I wanted to take a can of spray paint and write one word on all those things..." TEMPORARY." Those things in themselves are not bad so long as we keep them in their proper place. The things of real value are eternal.
4. Place your trust in God. He will be the only one in life who won’t let you down.
Put these all together and you won’t believe how content you will become.
(c) Wally Johnston 2020
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